Manually adding investors and investments

Manually adding an investor

Use the Add entry button to manually add one investor via a pop-up that appears.

Use the pop-up to add the investor type, salutation, first and last name and the email address. Further personal information details, including address, birth date or information about the identification can be added under investor details by clicking the blue arrow.

The blue arrow leads to the investor detail page where further details like the registration address or the identification can be added. Furthermore you can send out a new identification invitation.

Manually adding investments

Registry as Service Platforms that are booked on the Enterprise package have the additional option of manually adding investments in the campaign section.

To do so, go to the Product page and select a product with an active campaign available to invest. In the product select the campaign.

Here you can find the "Add entry" button that allows you to add an investment.

By clicking on it, a model opens to enter the information needed for creating an investment. Please note there are two requirements for this: i) the investor needs to be created, ii) the investor needs to have a wallet associated to his account.

Last updated