
You can create transfers of crypto securities or digital assets between investors via the API. The following preconditions must be fulfilled to allow for a transfer:

  • The source wallet is a managed wallet

  • The target wallet is a managed or generic (erc-20) wallet

  • The amount of the transfer must be lower than the available amount for the product on the source wallet.

  • The lock-up period of the product has ended.

If these preconditions are fulfilled, you can create a transfer by providing the following data:

  • ID of the product to transfer

  • ID of the source wallet

  • wallet address of the target wallet

  • Amount to be transferred

The response contains a status field with the following codes:

  • processing: The task is created and is currently being executed

  • failed: The task could not be completed

  • succeeded: The task was completed successfully

  • unknown: The task needs manual investigation to determine if the transaction has actually succeeded.

After the transfer has been processed, a new investment will be created for the receiving investor and the investment amount of the source investment is reduced. The source investment is determined by a First-In-First-Out approach. Updated information about the source investment as well as the newly created target investment are available via the API’s investment endpoints.

Please note that there is no 2FA enforced directly via the API. If you need to add a 2FA security mechanism you're free to do so on your end and only sent transfer requests for approved transactions.

Last updated