Supported Environments

Operating Environment

  1. The Cashlink software runs in Cashlink's data center. The target groups are granted a right of use ("Software-as-a-Service").

  2. The Cashlink software can be operated simultaneously for several brokerage platforms or issuers ("tenants"). Data of the different tenants are stored strictly separated from each other on different databases.

Product environment

  1. The browser-based access to the Cashlink software is available in German and in English. Some user-maintained data such as documents or Markdown text can only be specified in one language.

  2. The Cashlink software is operated in a Cashlink data center. For the best experience, we support using the latest stable version of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari.

Supported browsers

If not the latest stable version of a recommended browser is used, or if a browser that is not listed above is used, some Cashlink features may not work as expected, or at all.

Some browser vendors provide extended support releases. We do our best to ensure that Cashlink functions properly work in the latest extended support release for:

Supported mobile operating systems

Cashlink supports the latest stable versions of iOS and Android for applications provided for smartphones.

Last updated