
Depending on how you structure your product, there may be obligations for you to process payouts. To offer more transparency to investors, you can request Cashlink to upload calculated payout amounts. This information will then appear in the investor dashboard.

The investor can find the following information in regards to payouts in the investor dashboard:

DE: Ertragssumme

EN: Total earnings

Displays the sum of all settled payouts for a specific investor & product

DE: Letzter Ertrag

EN: Last profit

Displays the last amount that was settled for a specific investor & product.

DE: Nächster Ertrag

EN: Next profit

Displays the next possible payout date that is coming up with the state scheduled.

How Payouts are structured

Before heading straight into the process of uploading payout information, we want to provide you with a brief overview of how payouts are structured.

Types of payout

We support three types of payouts:

  • Interest

  • Maturity

  • Profit Distribution

Payout states

There are different states a payout can have depending on its degree of maturity. These payout states are implicit for the investor but play an important role for the process of uploading payout information.




The payment is scheduled but not all data is set for the payment.


The payment is scheduled to be due on a date and all data is set for the payment.


The payment is now due but is not settled yet.


The settlement of the payment is still open but the payment has been processed.


The payment is settled.


The payment is deleted

Batch upload payouts

To understand the entire process, we will dive into the batch upload. There for open a ticket in the Cashlink Support Desk (CSD) and ask for the actual investment list and payout list. You will receive two Excel files back with whom you can start preparing to upload file.

1. Download and open the payout list.

Download and open the payout list. Add the rows from the investment list like in the picture below.

2. Add payout information to the payout list

Add payout information to the payout list manually by filling out column email to type.

Consider the following for the different columns:

  • The Payout UUID needs to be left empty. The system will allocate a UUID once successfully uploaded to the system.

  • External reference ID. In case you already have an external reference ID, then you can add it here too. Ensure that this number is unique otherwise, the system will throw an error.

  • Valid payment states are prepared, scheduled, due and open, processing and settled.

  • Payment amount (gross): Payment amount without tax. This amount is displayed to the investor.

  • Net payment: Payment amount adjusted with tax.

  • Due date. Ensure the correct format: YYYY-MM-DD

  • Type. Interest, Maturity, Profit Distribution.

After filling out the data, save the file as a .csv file and attach it to the original CSD-Ticket, so that Cashlink can upload the data.

These information will afterwards show up in the investor dashboard. The following image give further information on what is indicated in the dashboard.

Update / add further payouts

For every new upload, ensure to get a new payout list first as otherwise, you run into the problem of having duplicates.

When you open the payout list, you can see that the Payout UUID is now filled out. Please, do not delete the Payout UUID as otherwise the systems association is lost.

To update payouts create a CSD Ticket to retrieve the latest payout list.

You can update the payout state, simply by changing the value of the state column.

Ensure that the external reference ID does not contain a hiven ( - ) as otherwise the individual line will not be regarded as unique. However, you can leave the field empty.

Last updated