Creating campaigns

A product represents a digital security issued by an entity on a distributed ledger network. The total allocation of a product can be split into any number of campaigns that are used on the primary market. The total allocation of all campaigns must be less or equal to the total allocation of the product.

As of now, creating and editing products is only possible via the Cashlink Support Desk. In order to create a product there, you need to fill out the project sheet provided to you by your partner manager. Have a look at this guide on how to create products via the Cashlink Support Desk.

Offering types

If you intend to offer securities to investors in a country you need to follow certain rules set up by the national supervisory authorities. In Germany, the BaFin has outlined the most important information here.

The Cashlink Signing investment process supports a wide variety of rule sets and helps you stay compliant with the regulations.

Important: This guide does not constitute legal advice. We report here only on best practices that have arisen. If you are unsure, please consult a lawyer.

The investment process can be configured to be compliant with the following offering types:

Asset typeOffering


Wertpapier-Informationsblatt bis zu 1 M €


Wertpapier-Informationsblatt 1 M € bis zu 8 M €


Basisinformationsblatt (BIB)


Privatplatzierung mit Mindestanlagebetrag


Privatplatzierung mit einer begrenzten Anzahl von Personen


Basisinformationsblatt (BIB)


Vermögensanlagen-Informationsblatt (VIB)

If you're planning to issue a product with an asset type or offering not listed here, please reach out to your partner manager.

Creating investment campaigns

To create a campaign click on the "Create a new investment campaign" button in the detailed product view.

You can enter a reference name for the campaign. The allocation controls how many units should be sold in this campaign. The minimum and maximum limits adjust the investment amounts that are possible. In addition, you set a price specific for that campaign and a country that you want to target.

Depending on your platform configuration you can choose between all or a subset of the following offering types for campaigns:

Offering typeDescription

Minimum investment amount

Only allows investments starting at a specific investment amount.

Public offering

No restrictions apply to the creation of new investments (there may still be other requirements depending on the product setup).

When the campaign has been successfully created, you can use the URL of that campaign to direct investors to the investment process. The signed percentage shows the progress of how many investments are already allocated with this campaign.

When copying the campaign-URL it will look like this for e.g.: . Please make sure to share this link. Be careful: After you insert the link and click enter it will change to this for e.g.: . Do not use that link!

Creating personalized invitations

Campaigns are accessible by anyone who has access to the unique URL of the campaign. You can also create personalized invitations, that are only accessible by a person having control over the email address that you enter when creating the invitation.

To create a personalized invitation navigate to the detailed products page and click on "Create investment invitation". The create invitation modal opens and you can enter the investor's data. Please provide the following information:

  • Internal reference (e.g., the full name of the investor)

  • The email address of the investor

  • Maximum units to be bought using this invitation

  • Price per unit for that invitation

  • Residence country of the investor

  • The type of offering you want to use

Depending on your platform configuration you can choose between all or a subset of the following offering types:

Offering typeDescription

Private placement

If this setting is applied for a personal invitation, the invitation counter is increased. You can only create a certain number (depending on your platform configuration) of personalized invitations per country with this offering type.

Minimum investment amount

Only allows investments starting at a specific investment amount.

Public offering

No restrictions apply to the creation of new investments (there may still be other requirements depending on the product setup).

Click on the "Create invitation" modal to create the invitation. You are then able to share the invitation link with the investor. The invitation link allows the investor to access a personalized invitation.

We do not send email notifications to investors when you create a personalized invitation.

Deactivating campaigns and invitations

If you create a personal invitation or an investment campaign, they are directly accessible to investors via the created URL. If you want to restrict access, you can at any time deactivate the campaign by clicking on the button "Deactivate" in the campaign's or invitation's card.

As soon as the campaign or invitation is deactivated the allocation is available for the creation of new campaigns or invitations.

If a campaign or a personal invitation are deactivated, investment processes that are in a stage after the commitment step where the investor clicked on the "Make binding offer" can be finished by the investor. All processes before that cannot be accessed by the investor after the deactivation. Instead the following screen is shown.

Campaigns and invitations can also be re-activated if the necessary allocation is still available.

Editing campaigns and invitations

As soon as a campaign or invitation is created there might be open processes where investors have already started to invest. Therefore, editing campaigns is not possible.

However, you can simply deactivate the campaign you want to edit and create a new campaign with the updated settings. This will make sure, that investments can only be made with the new settings after you've changed them.

Use more currencies

The default currency for security purchases is Euro (EUR). You can also define other currencies for an invitation. To do so, please contact Cashlink to whitelist a currency for your account. The payable amount is then calculated using a fixed exchange rate set by you.

Last updated