
The Cashlink Studio enables you to administer your product and monitor the investment campaigns. Using the tool, you can monitor all investment activities regardless of if they were created via the API or via the white-label frontend.

Your assigned point of contact at Cashlink will share your Cashlink Studio access details with you. Additional users can be created later on via the Cashlink Support Desk.


For users of the Cashlink Studio there are several permissions that can be set. Permission in the Cashlink Studio are object-based in terms of products. That means that a permission must always be granted for a specific set of products. Having a permission means that you can use it for the products that have been connected to that permission for you.



View data

View product details, invitations, campaigns, investments, and their corresponding investors with all data

Manage distribution

Manage campaigns and invitations (create, activate/deactivate)

Manage data

Manage investment and investor data (e.g. address, compliance, vouchers, transfers)

Manage approvals

Permission to access the approval view and approve and reject investments

Manage incoming payments

Permission to access the incoming payments view and mark investments as paid or cancel them because of missing payment

Manage credit digital securities

Permission to access the credit digital securities view and credit digital securities

Manage vouchers

Create, delete, activate and deactivate vouchers for the assigned products.

Manage redemptions

Create redemptions for investors.

Download statistics

Permission to request the statistics report

Last updated