Funding overview and products

Funding overview

You can monitor the success of your funding campaign using the Cashlink Studio. On the overview page you'll see the following:

  • The number of investors that have subscribed

  • The total investment amount from subscriptions

  • The amount of all payments received for the subscriptions

The overview page ashows the latest investments and notifications for tasks that are outstanding like approving investment offers or accepting payments.

Product overview

You can view all your investment products by navigating to the products page.

By clicking on the row or on the details button of a product, you can see the detailed view of the selected product. You can also see all investment campaigns and invitations from there.

You also can find here all the needed information about the Network the token is deployed to as well as the Smart contract address and the paper contract hash.

Product filters

All tables in the Cashlink Studio can be filtered by products. Simply click on Filters above the table and you can single- or multiselect products for which you want the search results to show, e.g. only investments of products A and B.

Last updated