Release Notes

This page list all new features that have been made available within new releases.



Released on 2024-07-25

  • We fixed a bug that caused investments created via Cashlink Studio to wrongfully receive automatically created signed documents.


Released on 2024-07-23

  • We improved alignments and margins of different elements on several pages in Cashlink Studio, Investor Dashboard and the Investment Process.

  • We fixed a bug that caused filtering in Cashlink Studio to not show all relevant entries.

  • We fixed a bug that caused the sorting function for tables in Cashlink Studio to not work.

  • We fixed a bug that caused the sorting function's icon in Cashlink Studio to be colored wrong.

  • We fixed a bug that prevented the option to select generic wallets in the registration process.

  • We fixed a bug that prevented issuers in Cashlink Studio to create campaigns.


Released on 2024-07-02

  • Platform admins in Cashlink Studio now find new upload components allowing for drag and drop and multi select.

  • Investors now find new listing components in the transaction details tab and friend voucher tab in Investor Dashboard.

  • The registration processes can now be individually configured to include a custody step.

  • We fixed a bug that caused the progress step indicators in the Investment Process to be in a wrong visual state.

  • We fixed a bug that caused a wrong visual formatting of a section in the investor details tab in Cashlink Studio.

  • We fixed a bug that caused API-generated objects to not be synched to Hubspot.


Released on 2024-06-10

  • Investors in the Investment Process are now presented with an integrated start page, instead of an overlay, explaining the different steps they can expect.

  • Investors now find an improved layout of the Wallet step in the Investment Process.

  • Investors now find a friend referral link on the Overview-page in Investor Dashboard, if configured.

  • Investors are now presented a more precise wording for transferring and receiving assets in Investor Dashboard.

  • Platform admins in Cashlink Studio are now shown more precisely whether an investment can still be cancelled.

  • We fixed a bug which prevented the reversion of applied filters in Cashlink Studio.

  • We fixed a bug which caused an imprecise compliance state to be shown in CL Studio.

  • We fixed a bug which caused the tooltip for changing the language setting to only be shown partially on mobile.

  • We fixed a bug which made the change of the language setting need a refresh before being applied.


Released on 2024-05-21

  • Investors now enjoy a visually redesigned Frontend in the Investment Process and redesigned components in their Investor Dashboard.

  • Platform admins now enjoy visually redesigned components in Cashlink Studio.

  • API-customers now need to whitelist receiver wallets to allow for transfers. Default whitelisting is now disabled. This change including more details was previously communicated via email.

  • Investors and Platform admins now see the company logo on the login screen.

  • We fixed a bug that caused a ticked checkbox in the Investor Dashboard to appear unticked.


Released on 2024-04-30

  • If enabled, Investors are now shown accrued interest in the wizard for all specified interest periods.

  • Platform admins can now see more than the most recent ten entries in their campaign- or private invitation tables in Cashlink Studio.

  • The investment agreement signed by legal persons now includes the company name.

  • We fixed a bug that caused an error 500 as a response to wrongly formatted json files sent to our endpoints. API users would now receive an explanatory error 400.

  • We fixed a bug that responded the wrong answers in the /invitations endpoint regarding the self-disclosure.

  • We upgraded our demo environment from polygon testnet Mumbai to polygon testnet Amoy.


Released on 2024-04-09

  • API-users can now get their investors' registry statements via API (GET /investments/:id/registry-statements/).

  • We added multiple endpoints relevant for the Cashlink Connect network to our external registry-API and changed its URL in the process from /api/external/v2/…/ to /api/external/distributor/v2/…/. Until further notice, API-users can use either of those two URLs since both URLs run in parallel and offer the same functionality. We will communicate the deactivation of /api/external/v2/…/ at least 3 months in advance.

  • We fixed a bug that caused the creation of invitations via API to fail under certain circumstances.


Released on 2024-03-20

  • Platform Admins can now see all private invitations for their products in Cashlink Studio.

  • Hubspot users can now track when Deals and Contracts were synchronised and updated.

  • We fixed a bug that prevented the wallet segment of customers from being shown in Cashlink Studio in case of unsuccessful KYC.

  • We fixed a bug that lead to a missing English translation of assets' runtime in the Investor Dashboard.

  • We fixed a bug that lead to a missing Hubspot synchronisation of funnel steps.


Released on 2024-03-12

  • We improved wording on the costs and allowance document.


Released on 2024-02-29

  • We fixed a bug that caused mails to be sent multiple times.


Released on 2024-02-26

  • A Hubspot connection between Contacts and Deals is now established automatically.

  • We enabled API-customers to issue non-tokenized assets.

  • We fixed a bug that blocked the creation of campaigns via Cashlink Studio.

  • We fixed minor bugs associated with the Safekeeping-App.


Released on 2024-02-05

  • We now allow for cumulative entries in our registry in addition to single entries.

  • Platform admins can now add beneficial owners via Cashlink Studio customer view, even if no beneficial owner was added during the investment process beforehand.

  • Platform admins can now change the legal form of companies in Cashlink Studio customer view.

  • We adjusted our eWpG Terms of Service and provided them to eWpG investors via mail.


Released on 2024-01-16

  • Investors are now provided more detailed information on why they have to self-disclose in the investment process in case the sum of their investments into the underlying product exceeds 1.000 Euros.

  • Investors are now informed in the "Kosten und Zuwendungen"-document that they do not have to cover the costs listed themselves.

  • Platform admins can now upload the "transparency register" besides the "commercial register statement" and the "list of shareholders" for legal persons in the Cashlink Studio.

  • We fixed a bug that caused filters in the Cashlink Studio to return too many results.



Released on 2023-12-19

  • We now offer a signing process for products which are released under ECSP regulation (European Crowd Funding Service Provider).

  • We migrated to Version 2 of both Tangany's custody and customer API.


Released on 2023-11-27

  • Wallets of Investors who were created via Cashlink Studio can now be whitelisted via Cashlink Studio to receive tokens.

  • We fixed the issue that on Google Chrome on mobile a CTA was hidden behind the Google translator pop-up.

  • We fixed an issue that caused the creation of investments via Cashlink Studio to fail.


Released on 2023-11-13

  • Investors now find the questionnaire as part of the investment process split into two pages for better usability.


Released on 2023-10-16

  • We fixed an issue that resulted in investors' data not being editable via Cashlink Studio.


Released on 2023-09-25

  • Platform admins of platforms subscribed to the Enterprise-package can now create investments via Cashlink Studio.

  • Platform admins can now decide whether the telephone number field provided in the investors' account creation is marked mandatory or optional.

  • The statistics report, which can be downloaded in Cashlink Studio now contains the time investors last logged in.

  • Filters in Cashlink Studio now persist when returning to the page on which filters were used.

  • We fixed several bugs related to the "create investor" and "create investment" features.


Released on 2023-09-08

  • Investors can now see the address of their ERC20-wallet in their Investor Dashboard.

  • Platform admins can now restart their investors' identification via Investor Details in Cashlink Studio.

  • Investors now find overlays in the investment process looking like overlays instead of full-screen pages.

  • We upgraded our smart contract suite to a new version. This version has been externally audited. Transfers to external wallets will require an app update.


Released on 2023-08-17

  • Investors can now create accounts independent of products. This happens outside the investment signing process in a dedicated registration flow.

  • Platform admins can now restart an identification process for their investors via Cashlink Studio.

  • Investors investing as legal persons can now see the legal form they selected during the investment process in their Investor Dashboard.

  • Investors can not re-enter an investment signing process for sold out products anymore.

  • Investors now find countries selected the most often on top of the list for „Country“ and „Nationality“ in the investment signing process.

  • Platform admins now find redeemed investments tagged with a newly created state “redeemed” in their Cashlink Studio.


Released on 2023-07-27

  • Platform admins can now manually add investors in the Customers section in Cashlink Studio.

  • Platform admins can now manually add wallets for investors in the Investor details section in Cashlink Studio.

  • Platform admins now find the Country of birth and Nationality as new columns in the statistics report, which can be downloaded in Cashlink Studio.

  • Investors can see the number of investments in their Investor Dashboard.


Released on 2023-07-05

  • Platform admins can now find the tax ID of investors in the statistics report, which can be downloaded in Cashlink Studio.

  • Platform admins now find numbers in the aforementioned statistics report correctly formatted as numbers.

  • Investors who are asked to enter additional data during the investment signing process, such as tax information or information about their bank account, will now receive corresponding reminder emails.

  • We fixed the issue that in the investment signing process values about the step "knowledge and experience" were not shown anymore in case an investor returned to the step.

  • We fixed an issue so that QR codes are now correctly displayed in emails.

v1.66.0 - Zirconium

Released on 2023-06-13

  • We fixed several bugs and other fixes

v1.65.0 - Yttrium

Released on 2023-05-22

  • Investors with an identification in a status that does not allow its continuation are now provided with an instruction in their Investor Dashboard on how to restart the identification.

  • We fixed the issue that the voucher discount in Cashlink Studio seemed incorrect because of rounding errors.

v1.64.0 - Xenon

Released on 2023-05-03

  • Investors in the investment signing process now see required checkboxes thematically grouped.

  • Platform admins can now create “Registry Statements” for eWpG products in the investments tab in Cashlink Studio. Legally required “Registry Statements” will be delivered automatically, as they were before.

  • Platform admins in the investors tab in the Cashlink Studio can now filter for email types when searching for emails that have been sent out to investors.

  • We fixed the issue that a misleading error message was shown during the token transfer in case the check sum of the entered wallet address was invalid.

v1.63.0 - Vanadium

Released on 2023-04-12

  • Platform admins in Cashlink Studio can now sort incoming payments by payment deadline.

  • Platform admins in Cashlink Studio can now see how many filters are applied while filtering tables.

  • Platform admins can now receive investor and investment related information via Hubspot API.

  • Investors are now provided with a more comprehensible instruction via Email on how to install the Safekeeping-App.

  • Investors now need to confirm their choice to cancel an investment in an additional pop-up.

  • We improved the performance of the Investment Overview in Cashlink Studio.

  • We fixed the issue that filtering for "total invested amount" = 0€ wrongfully showed no results.

  • We fixed the issue that the filter for "invested on" time periods could not be removed.

v1.62.0 - Uranium

Released on 2023-03-21

  • Platform admins in Cashlink Studio can now see potential investors who have not confirmed an investment in the investment signing process yet.

  • We improved the behavior of the filter function for tables in Cashlink Studio. Selected filters now persist after a platform admin re-opens the filter selection.

  • For users of our Investment-API and Registry-as-a-Service API it is now mandatory to provide an email address as a mandatory field for investors if they want to invest into an eWpG asset. The reason for this is that in this case Cashlink needs to know the email address to provide the regulatory needed registry statement to the investor.

  • Platform admins in Cashlink Studio can now find the network, the smart contract address and the paper contract hash of the product in the product details.

  • We fixed an issue, which caused an incorrect count of rows for the table in the investors tab in Cashlink Studio.

  • We fixed an issue, which caused KYCs processes to be stuck in one rare case.

v1.61.0 - Titanium

Released on 2023-02-28

  • Platform admins who issued an eWpG product can now request via Cashlink Service Desk whether they want the registry statements (during investment and afterwards once per year) to be sent out by email or shown in the documents-section in the investor dashboard.

  • Investors are now shown a comprehensively rounded runtime in their costs and allowances document.

  • Investors who selected a custody solution for their tokens during the investment process can now transfer their tokens later on to an external ERC-20 wallet address they own.

  • We improved the performance of the Investor Overview in Cashlink Studio.

v1.60.1 - Silver

Released on 2023-02-14

  • Investors can now find new eWpG registry statements in the documents section in their investor dashboard.

v1.60.0 - Silver

Released on 2023-02-07

  • The platform admin and investors can now see the runtime of each product in Cashlink Studio.

  • The platform admin can now enable investments approved by our license shield partner Effecta to be automatically accepted.

  • The platform admin can now enable digital securities to be automatically credited once the investor's wallet setup has succeeded.

  • The platform admin can now resend emails to investors via Cashlink Studio.

  • We fixed a bug so that users who forgot their password are correctly sent back to the login page.

v1.59.0 - Radon

Released on 2023-01-17

  • The products, investors, investments, approvals, incoming payments and credit digital assets table in the Cashlink Studio can now be filtered by products.

  • The platform admin can now review and complete the identification process for legal person investors via the Cashlink Studio.

  • Investors can now reset their Safekeeping App on their own as self-service from their account settings in case they have lost their device or want to pair a new device.

  • If an investor account is deactivated, e.g. due to a deletion request, the platform admin can reactivate the account again.

  • We made some improvements to our tables, e.g. enabling rows to be able to show two inline texts as now seen in the Investors table. We will now continuously enrich all tables with more information to have everything you need in one glance.

  • Investors can now go back to the wallet selection after they have chosen the self-custody solution (Safekeeping App). Previously, investors were locked in on their wallet choice.

  • We made some bugfixes affecting the Investment-Platform API.


v1.58.0 - Plutonium

Released on 2022-12-08

  • Platform admins can now trigger the deletion of all data of investors without active investments via the Cashlink Studio.

  • Platform admins can now request the deletion of all data of investors whose investments are still within the 6 months retention period via the Cashlink Studio.

  • Legal persons are now required to enter the legal form of their company during account registration. This applies for the Investment Platform API and Registry-as-a-Service API as well.

  • Natural persons and representatives of legal persons are now required to enter their date, place and country of birth as well as their nationality. This applies for the Investment Platform API and Registry-as-a-Service API as well.

  • Investors can now access their investor dashboard from any page of the investment signing process.

v1.57.0 - Oxygen

Released on 2022-11-10

  • Platform admins can now view and forward friend referral codes.

  • Platform admins can now find referral codes in the respective investment statistics reporting.

  • We added a custom checkbox for the terms and conditions of our license shield partner Effecta.

  • We implemented the Hubspot OAuth connection as Hubspot API Keys will be discontinued on the 30th of November 2022.

  • We improved the knowledge and experience questionnaire.

  • Tables in the Cashlink Studio are now better aligned and buttons inside those tables are now worded more precisely.

  • We fixed a bug where platform admins could only see a maximum of ten investments associated in the tax editing modal.

v1.56.0 - Neon

Released on 2022-10-24

  • Platform admins can now filter the investments table by investment status.

  • Platform admins can now edit vouchers.

  • Tables in the Cashlink Studio are now searchable by InvestorID and InvestmentID.

  • We adapted compliance categories and subjects for documents to be signed and exported to our license shield partner Effecta.

  • We fixed a bug where the "Invest now" button was shown in the Cashlink Studio and investment signing process.

  • We fixed a bug where the voucher input was not validated consistently in the investment signing process.

  • We fixed a bug where platform admins could not edit IBAN numbers to be foreign IBAN numbers.

v1.55.0 - Mercury

Released on 2022-10-04

  • Platform admins can now create vouchers in the Cashlink Studio. Once they are created, the vouchers can be deactivated and activated any time. The detailed voucher page also shows all investments that have used a specific voucher code.

  • Platform admins can now view the email history of investors in the detailed investor page of the Cashlink Studio.

  • We fixed a bug where investors were not able to complete the additional information step.

  • We fixed a bug where the price per unit input on campaign creation was validated inconsistently, so that a campaign could not be created.

v1.54.0 - Lithium

Released on 2022-09-13

  • We added a language hint to the investment signing process which shows each time you switch the language from German to English.

  • Platform admins can now add manual identifications via the investors page of the Cashlink Studio.

  • For creating campaigns and personal invitations, the price per unit can now be set to have up to 13 decimals after the comma.

  • The wallet balance now considers pending transactions after a transfer is initiated.

  • The payment date can now be edited in the Cashlink Studio.

  • We fixed a bug where the payment details were displayed incorrectly in the Cashlink Studio.

v1.53.0 - Krypton

Released on 2022-08-26

  • Investors can now invite users via a transfer invitation link to the platform. Invited users then create an account, complete KYC verification and setup a wallet to receive digital securities from the inviting investor. This is possible for Ethereum- and Stellar-based tokens that do not have a lock-up period.

  • We have integrated our partner Tangany as licensed custody solution to our API solution. For API users who choose to setup Tangany via our API, they can simply make a POST call /investors/{id}/wallets/eth-managed/ to create wallets. Via the /transfers/ endpoint, transfers between two wallets can be initiated.

  • We now display the InvestorID and InvestmentID in the Cashlink Studio, which can be easily copied too.

  • We now show by default 50 entries per page in the Cashlink Studio, which can be increased to 100 entries per page.

  • We fixed a bug where the company data of a legal person could not be edited before the KYC process is completed.

  • We fixed a bug where the salutation was missing in some of the investor emails.

  • We fixed a bug where the tax exemption order amounts of migrated investments were not shown in the Cashlink Studio.

  • We adapted the translation for 'KYC Pending' to correctly show 'Ident not yet started'.

v1.52.0 - Iron

Released on 2022-08-03

  • The investment statistics can now be downloaded from the Cashlink Studio.

  • Issuers can now create redemptions via the Cashlink Studio. The remaining investment amount is updated accordingly in the investor dashboard and in the Cashlink Studio

  • We fixed a bug where the price per unit in the payment details did not show the price at the signing date.

  • We fixed a bug where the price per unit was not consistent between the Cashlink Studio and the investor dashboard.

v1.51.0 - Helium

Released on 2022-07-13

  • Platform admins can now add a voucher after an investment was signed and before it is accepted by the issuer in case investors forgot to enter it during the investment process.

  • The Cashlink Studio now displays transfer transactions in the detailed investment view and links the sender or receiver investment.

  • We build a feature in the Django Admin that checks whether a PDF can be watermarked to avoid the upload of corrupted documents.

  • For the Investment Platform API the bank account via POST /v2/investors/ is now optional.

  • We made further bugfixes.

v1.50.0 - Gold

Released on 2022-06-24

  • Platform admins can now edit tax information of investors incl. changing the tax exemption order amounts in the detailed investors view of the Cashlink Studio.

  • We added the identification and compliance information for each investment and investor to the Cashlink Studio. The detailed investment and investor view will show the status of the identification process and compliance review, incl. the detailed feedback of the liability umbrella.

  • Platform admins can also initiate new identification processes for investors.

  • We limited the max. file size upload for a PDF document to 5MB.

  • We made further bugfixes.

v1.49.0 - Fluorine

Released on 2022-06-07

  • The detailed investment view in the Cashlink Studio now shows the tax information and payment details, incl. voucher applied, agio and accrued interest.

  • The platform admin can now cancel investments from the Cashlink Studio, displaying the cancellation period as well.

  • We added a search filter to the products page in the Cashlink Studio.

  • Issuer emails e.g. for approving investments or crediting digital securities can now be enabled/disabled per investment token.

  • Investors are now notified via email, if a token transfer was initiated to their wallet by another investor.

  • We added more information to investments that are involved in transfers, e.g. whether they are fully or partially transferred.

  • We replaced a few images in the Cashlink Studio and investor dashboard.

  • We built a feature to burn and reissue tokens to investor wallets.

  • We fixed a bug where the investment amount was shown instead of the payable amount in the investor payment email.

  • We fixed a bug where an investor could not fill out additional information after a token transfer.

  • We fixed a bug where the funnel step was not shown correctly for cancelled investments in the investment statistics report.

  • We fixed a bug where investments could not be created via the external API after changing the account setup document.

v1.48.0 - Einsteinium

Released on 2022-05-09

  • Platform admins can now edit the residence address of investors, company data of legal persons, bank account data and securities deposit account data in the Cashlink Studio.

  • Platform admins can now log in to the Cashlink Studio and can view all investment tokens assigned to them. Depending on the permissions, a single user can manage actions such as approving investments, checking incoming payments and crediting digital assets for multiple tokens.

  • We added a new column to the Investment Statistics Reporting. The investment type shows if an investment came from a primary market issuance or created from a token transfer.

  • If an investment is involved in a token transfer, the funnel step changes to 91 TRANSFER. The remaining investment amount after the token transfer is represented in the notional_amount column.

  • We made further bugfixes.

v1.47.0 - Dysprosium

Released on 2022-04-25

  • We added a new detailed product view to the issuer dashboard. We also added a feature that calculates the used allocation (in percent) of a campaign or personal invitation.

  • API users of the Investment Platform API and Registry-as-a-Service API can now start an identification process for investors with their chosen KYC provider. New clients no longer need to integrate the KYC provider themselves.

  • We fixed a bug where investors with a Tangany wallet could not fully complete their app setup on iOS.

  • We made further bugfixes and improved our tech stack.

v1.46.0 - Carbon

Released on 2022-03-31

  • Introducing a new user permissions system: user permissions for issuers and platform admins are now set inside the investment token rather than on user level.

  • We added a new endpoint to the Cashlink API: API users can now create invitations for investors before submitting the actual investments.

  • A paper contract hash of an already deployed smart contract can now be updated.

v1.45.1 - Bismuth (v2)

Released on 2022-03-22

  • We added default sortings in issuer tables.

  • We fixed a bug in the transactions view of investor dashboards, where issuances were not displayed inside the transactions table.

  • We fixed a bug where the survey_submitted_date was not parsed into the investment statistics report.

  • We fixed a bug where investment amounts with decimals were validated wrongly.

  • We fixed a bug where the investment amount was delivered to FinanceAds in a format that could not be processed.

v1.45.0 - Bismuth (v1)

Released on 2022-03-04

  • Marketing opt-ins are now globally configurable. Platforms can decide whether or not they wish to offer certain communication channels in the investment signing process of their All-in-one Solution.

  • Existing clients of the Tokenization API can now create smart contracts using the EOS blockchain in the sandbox environment.

  • We added a new custom checkbox for the crypto securities registry management of Cashlink.

  • We made a major technical refactoring of the investor and issuer dashboards and fixed some bugs on the mobile view of the investment signing process.

v1.44.0 - Argon

Released on 2022-02-15

  • We added exemption_order_date and payment_code as new data fields to the Investment Statistics Reporting.

  • We also improved searches and filters throughout the Django Admin, making it easier for platform admins to navigate and find investor- and investment related data.

  • Further bug fixes were made and we improved the stability of the system.

v1.43.2 - Rabbithole (v2)

Released on 2022-02-04

  • We added a new product type to our system. With this release you can now offer convertible bonds (=Wandelschuldverschreibung) to investors.

  • We now store the date and time of when an exemption order amount is created or last changed.

  • We added the possibility to enable or disable the mail notification that is sent to issuers, notifying them when digital assets can be credited to investor's wallets.

v1.43.0 - Rabbithole (v1)

Released on 2022-01-25

  • We added and linked your website's imprint to every investor and issuer page to comply with §5 of TMG.

  • We also made some improvements on the search filters of issuer dashboards.

  • We fixed a bug where the communication settings of an investor were not exported to the investment statistics report.

  • Further bug fixes were made and we improved the stability of the system.


v1.42.0 - Quynh

Released on 2021-12-21

  • We added search bars to lists and tables in the issuer dashboards, so distinct values can be quickly searched for.

  • We also added filters to lists and tables in the issuer dashboards.

  • The API now supports the creation of legal persons as investors.

  • The API now supports the creation of redemptions for investments.

  • The API now supports the credit of digital assets to investor wallets.

  • Further bug fixes were made and we improved the stability of the system.

v1.41.0 - Pandora

Released on 2021-12-10

  • We integrated our partner Tangany as licensed custody solution for platforms using our white-label solution. Investors can choose Tangany as wallet option during the investment signing process, however only for product tokens with lock-up periods for now (this will be changed soon).

  • We included two new funnel steps in the investment statistics reporting and changed the naming of 9 SUCCESS to 9 PAYMENT_RECEIVED.

  • For platforms that have integrated FinanceAds, the investment amount is now set and sent to FinanceAds as faValue.

  • The KYC provider can be set globally so that platform admins do not need to change it for every product token individually.

  • The platform admin can now name campaigns. This helps to distinguish between multiple created campaigns.

  • The platform admin can now search by the InvestorID in all investor- and investment-related admin pages. We also included search fields in those pages.

v1.40.0 - Olympus

Released on 2021-11-15

  • Platform admins can now create non-tokenized investment tokens end-to-end, incl. setting the KYC provider and enabling rule types for campaigns.

  • Platform admins can add and edit tax exemption order amounts for existing investments.

  • Platform admins can view information on two-factor authentication devices of investors.

  • We added more data fields to the investment statistics report, such as the wallet type of an investor, the mobile device type, if the device is authenticated, the date when tokens were delivered and the transaction hash number on the blockchain. The full list can be found here.

  • We fixed a bug were cancelled investments were still aggregated in the investment sum in the detailed product view.

  • We fixed a bug where the acceptance date in payment reminder emails was displayed wrongly.

v1.39.0 - Narnia

Released on 2021-10-25

  • Platform admins can now activate and deactivate the possibility of offering in-person identification in the investment signing process.

  • We fixed a bug for API users where we delivered the webhook status KYC_INVALID even though it should be KYC_PENDING if the compliance check is still outstanding.

  • Further bug fixes.

v1.38.0 - Mordor

Released on 2021-10-05

  • We improved the technical infrastructure to handle transactions on-chain in preparation to enter secondary markets. This gives issuers more transparency of token issuances and token transfers between investors.

  • Investors can state their knowledge separate to their experience levels for different financial products, which determines the investors suitability for investing into a product.

  • API users can view a documents name in the signed documents endpoint.

  • Further bug fixes.

v1.37.0 - Lilliput

Released on 2021-09-13

  • Investors can transfer Stellar assets to other whitelisted self-custody wallets.

  • Investors can now state their employment type during the signing process.

  • Push notifications for the SafeKeeping App on iOS devices are working again.

  • Further bug fixes and UI improvements were made and we improved the stability of the system.

v1.36.0 - Kingslanding

Released on 2021-08-20

  • Issuers can upload consumer information by Effecta for each investment token.

  • We updated the education levels that investors can state during the signing process.

  • API users can now import the investors knowledge separate from their experience level for each asset class, which determines the investors suitability for investing into a product.

  • Push notifications for the SafeKeeping App on Android devices are working again.

v1.35.0 - Jumanji

Released on 2021-08-04

  • The cost and allowances of an investment can now be viewed during the signing process, prior to submitting the investment offer.

  • Debt security (=Schuldverschreibung) can now be selected as product type.

  • We fixed two bugs where eID identifications and a person's salutation could not be properly processed due to missing fields from the KYC provider Postident.

  • Further bug fixes were made and we improved the stability of the system.

v1.34.0 - Isengard

Released on 2021-07-09

  • This version encompasses several bug fixes and improved the stability of the system.

v1.33.0 - Hogsmeade

Released on 2021-06-21

  • This version encompasses several bug fixes and improved the stability of the system.

v1.32.0 - Gondor

Released on 2021-05-31

  • The API now provides more information about cancellations of investments including the date and the reason why the investment has been canceled

  • We added a feature to the API that automatically creates an account setup document when an investor has completed the KYC/AML process

  • Cashlink now supports the Matic network Ethereum sidechain as an underlying DLT-layer

  • We fixed a bug where profits were not displayed correctly in the investor’s dashboard.

v1.31.0 - Ferenginar

Released on 2021-05-08

  • The Cashlink API now allows importing answers for MiFID testing of investors which is required for using the API in combination with a liability umbrella

  • A tracking feature for investments has been implemented that allows adding a query parameter to the campaign URL that can be used to identify investment processes

  • The tracking URL parameter can also be used in combination with a FinanceAds integration that allows managing affiliates

  • A reconciliation report can be downloaded in a CSV format that allows exporting of all investment and investor data

  • The Cashlink Studio now supports products that have been deployed on-ledger in “managed mode”. Issuance can be done without the need for connecting a Ledger device

  • Issuers now have access to a “Documents”-Section in the Cashlink Studio that gives them access to documents uploaded by the platform admin

v1.30.0 - Essos

Released on 2021-04-16

  • Issuers and platform admins now have more specific possibilities to cancel investments for different reasons.

  • The API now supports the cancellation of investments.

  • We fixed a bug where some data could not be synchronized with XpectoPro because of a key mismatch.

v1.29.1 - Discworld update 01

Released on 2021-04-08

New features:

  • Investors are now able to create an integrated Stellar self-custody wallet during the investment process.

  • The SafeKeeping App now features the creation of Stellar private keys and the signing of Stellar transactions.

  • Platform admins can add tokenization info for deployed Stellar assets.

v1.29.0 - Discworld

Released on 2021-03-31

New features:

  • A new system of forms helps users to quickly enter correct data in all parts of the product.

  • A new API lets you directly create investors and investments programmatically. This enables platforms to connect co-placement platforms or use their own distribution tool.

  • The dashboard tools for investors and issuers can now be used on mobile devices.

  • Fixes were released for minor bugs that have been discovered in the last weeks.

v1.28.0 - Coruscant

Released on 2021-03-08

New features:

  • Tokenized limited partnership has been introduced as a new product type.

  • Friends-referral thank-you vouchers are sent only after the revocation period is over.

  • Status messages for the issuer and the investors are now more consistent and understandable.

  • The portal for issuers now contains so-called "empty views" if no data is available yet.

  • An issue premium can be defined for products.

  • A denomination can be specified for products, which is independent of the issue price.

Last updated